Find the RIGHT Coach

Investment, time and energy go into working with an executive coach. It’s important to use the below checklist to ensure you find the right coach, not just a coach.

Review the background and current clients of the potential coach.

Do they specifically work with financial executives and you are a creative? Will that be a good personality fit? Find a coach that you can relate to on levels over and above professional ones. What type of training and certifications does your coach have? Maybe you are very health-centered and want a coach to give you business and life tips. Find someone certified as a business coach with a certificate in yoga. All types of coaches are out there. Find the RIGHT coach for you.

What does your potential coach offer?

Do they do virtual sessions and you’d prefer in-person? Do they only do evenings and you prefer weekends? Do they have holistic approaches included or are they strictly against that? Do they charge by session and you’d rather pay monthly or yearly? Look at the details that might seem minor, but end up being major. Find the RIGHT coach for you.

What types of tools does your potential coach offer?

Do they use certain tests or strategies? Do you have specific work you want to do and an idea of what might work best? Be confident that your coach will create a plan for you and not just put you through the exact same process as someone else.

Find the RIGHT coach for you. Contact Sheila Carmichael.


How to get the most value from Executive Coaching