How to get the most value from Executive Coaching

You hired a coach, or your company has assigned one for you and you are ready to learn. But how do make sure you are getting the most value out of your time together?

Set expectations early

You know what you want to work on, what you want do with your career, where you feel stuck. Highlight at the start all the challenges you feel you’re facing, so your coach can tailor a plan that fits specifically for you. Ask for support along the way and after you have completed your coaching program. Be open and be honest. If you are willing to shift, your development possibilities are endless.

Commit to the process

Set dedicated time for your sessions and make sure you attend them with a clear mind. If you just “fit it in” you aren’t maximizing the opportunity. Coaching sessions need to be a priority. Planning sessions around times when you have a big presentation or an event to attend can be beneficial in your preparation. Plus, you get feedback around your work and can make changes, if needed. Stay on top of it. When you have a bad day, write it down. What happened? Is it something you need to explore in an upcoming session? The same goes for positive days. What made it so great? How can you make those days happen more?


Life happens. If you weren’t are able to focus and get your assignment done, just let your coach know you need more time. If you feel really passionate about something, make sure to give your coach a heads up. It sounds simple, but just talking opens so many doors. Tell others about your coaching journey and what it’s doing for your personal and professional health. Encourage others in your organization to try it out. You really get out what you put in. So, find a coach that fits your style, follow the steps above and enjoy growth like never before.

Explore coaching options with Sheila Carmichael.

Bridget Baker

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